
Brand identity and visual language for Juicero, the first at-home cold-press juicing system. One of my insights was to imbue the Juicero logotype with an unusually oversized minimal capital letter “E” which serves multiple functions: it is a kinetic device reminiscent of a press action; its top line functions as an accent mark reinforcing proper pronunciation; it is also the main mnemonic feature of this very modern identity program.

the juicer
logotype development — search for simple stencil forms
logotype development — discovering the "minimal E" mnemonic device
final logotype
logotype variations construction (bold version for smaller sizes and special materials)
minimal "E" element elucidated
minimal "E" in patterns and as a UI element
produce packs
shipping carton, semi-opened
shipping carton, juicero press revealed
product brochure
photography style